Labor Law can be described as a branch of law that regulates and examines the relations between workers and employers. Labor Law only deals with human relationships arising from service contracts and within a dependent (natural) service obligation. Briefly, the branch of law, which examines the legal rules created for the purpose of regulating the relations between the employee, employer and their state with the state created by the said obligation, is named as Labor Law.

It covers not only the relationship between the parties to the service contract, but also the organizations and collective bargaining agreements and struggles that each party can become a member of. This view of labor law requires that labor law be divided into two as “individual labor law” and “collective labor law”. However, in order to provide a better understanding of collective labor law, it will be seen that it is divided into three as “trade union law”, “collective labor law” and “strike-lockout”.

Who is included in the scope of the labor law rules, the parties of the business relationship are important. Therefore; It will be necessary to define the people to whom labor law is applied, “worker”, “employer”, “representative of employer” and “sub-employer”.